


Hutts were large, slimy, sluglike creatures with short, stubby arms, wide cavernous mouths and huge eyes who controlled a large space empire in Hutt Space. The Hutts were also immune to Force mind tricks like their cousins: the t'landa Til, the Yahk-Tosh and the Toydarians. The species hailed originally from the planet Varl, but their capital was later moved to Nal Hutta. Their language was Huttese. The Hutts had the unique ability to see invisible and ultraviolet light. Often, the tricky slugs lit their palaces in both spectrums of light, giving intruders a false sense of stealth. Despite their obesity, the Hutts had no skeletons. Instead , they had an inner mantle that helped support their arms and head, while their bodies ended in a long, wide tail. A Hutt's skin was covered in sweat and mucus, and was very thick, making it impervious to weak blaster bolts and some chemicals. They also had a thick layer of blubber/fat that maintained their body temperature, also making their skin impervious to knife wounds.

Hutts were also hermaphroditic, appearing as one gender depending on who their current audience was. Foetal Hutts spent their first year of existence in the pouch of their mother similar to marsupials, and had no sentient mind at that stage. For decades after birth, they stayed close to their mothers, returning to their pouches when they are tired, lonely or scared. Young Hutts were not considered important or accountable for their actions until they were well over a century old.

Although the Hutt Empire was powerful in its own right, many ambitious Hutts moved to other worlds to become overlords in organized crime. All Hutts had a given name, which was supported by their clan name and surname (as in Jabba Desilijic Tiure and Borga Besadii Diori). However, most Hutts did not use their surnames, preferring to just be called "the Hutt" ("Jabba the Hutt," for example). Hutts had a life-span of well over 600 years.


According to ancient Hutt legends, the Hutts hail from the pockmarked and wasteland planet of Varl was once orbited by two suns, the Evona and Ardos. Evona was lured into a black hole, and Ardos erupted in anger, expelling its gaseous shell, destroying all of Varl's sister-planets. But the Hutts survived and went on to colonize other worlds. While this story have generally been discounted as Hutt propaganda, this much is true because there is evidence that Varl was once a green, lush world, and aside from a lot of asteroids, only Varl now circles the white dwarf of Ardos. Other theories state that the Hutts themselves destroyed Varl in some ancient conflict.

After the death of their homeworld Varl, the Hutts migrated to a large number of worlds including Nal Hutta. Nal Hutta originally known as "Evocar" is the homeworld of the humanoid Evocii , but is now the adopted homeworld of the Hutts, who migrated to the Y'Toub system from their original homeworld of Varl. Nal Hutta translates to "Glorious Jewel" in the language of the Hutts.

They decided Evocar was a suitable home, so they traded the primitive Evocii technology for pieces of land on Evocar. The Hutts continued doing this until the Evocii realized that their homeworld had almost been bought out from under them. Hutt palaces, amusement parks and other constructions were built all over Evocar, and the Evocii could do nothing about it. They appealed to the Old Republic , and even though the government tried to help, their own laws sadly ruled in the Hutts favor. Even the Jedi tried to help, but they could do nothing either. The Evocii were evicted from Evocar by the Hutts, and relocated to the planet's fifth moon, which would later be known as Nar Shaddaa, "The Smuggler's Moon." Eventually the Evocii began mutating due to the various technologies that were practiced on the moon. Soon the Evocii died off from prolonged exposure to Nar Shaddaa's atmosphere.

Nal Hutta was ruled by the ancient ruling Hutt families, who also administrated Nar Shaddaa from their new homeworld. The history of the Hutt race can be traced back to before that of even the Old Republic. Even in the old times they were a formidable force, dominating expansive territories around Varl. After they discovered the hyperdrive, they tried expanding even further, until they ran into Xim the Despot. Xim and the Hutts warred many battles over the barren world of Vontor, then amid the fighting the Hutts stumbled upon the Si'Klaata Cluster. In this expanse they encountered many races, among them the Niktos, Klatooinians and the Vodrans. All of these races joined the Hutts, and were used as stormtroopers in the Third Battle of Vontor. The Hutts won against Xim this time, and then they conquered a large area of the galaxy.

Soon after this the Hutts began wars within their own clans, but eventually these were resolved and all Hutts united under the Hutt Grand Council which is situated on Nal Hutta. The Council oversees the operations of all Hutt Clans, favoring none of them, but governing all of them fairly.

When the Hutts saw the Yuuzhan Vong invading the New Republic, they thought they could save themselves by allying with the extragalactic invaders. They worked a deal with Executor Nom Anor, whereby they would be left alone if the Vong could take a small number of Hutt worlds for their own purposes. Both sides were working against each other. The Yuuzhan Vong thought that they would leave the Hutts alone until the time that the Republic could be conquered, then the Hutts would also be destroyed. Meanwhile, the Hutts were secretly shuttling information to the New Republic of where the Yuuzhan Vong would strike next. Eventually the Hutts' treachery was figured out by the Vong, and they had a heavy price to pay. The Y'Toub system was surrounded by some of the Vong's most deadly warships. Several organic creations were sent down to Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa for multiple purposes. Different types of bacteria would kill most of the inhabitants, and then process their remains into the soil of Nal Hutta. Then all the technology on Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa would be broken down and also absorbed into the soil.

The Yuuzhan Vong then terraformed Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa. The Hutt Clans have suffered a terrible defeat as a result of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. The Hutts still left alive on Nal Hutta, such as the Borga the Hutt, are trying to persuade the Yuuzhan Vong into letting them go, but so far the Yuuzhan Vong are ignoring them.

Notable Hutts




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