

Distance from Core 43,300 light years
Number of Suns 2
Number of Moons 1
Population 30 million
Surface Water 8%
Affiliation Rebel Alliance, New Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire

The forest moon of Endor is a moon which is home to the Ewoks and above which the Death Star II was constructed in Return of the Jedi. Endor's moon is also the location of the two Ewok TV movies The Ewok Adventure and Ewoks: Battle for Endor, as well as the adventures of the cartoon series Ewoks. The moon is also home to deadly giant Goraxes, tall and timid Yuzzums, rodentlike Teeks, vicious condor dragons and a settlement of offplanet reptilian marauders.

Endor itself is not the moon, but instead the planet which the moon orbits (or orbited). The planet Endor is never visible in the film, a fact which the novelisation explains by asserting that it was destroyed some time earlier and that the moon now orbits its star in a planetary orbit of its own. It should be noted that in two scenes in the film, a pinkish planet can be seen in the background, in the vicinity of the forest moon, though the two bodies are never seen at the same time. This, coupled with the fact that a moon without a planet should itself be defined as a planet in its own right, has caused some fans to speculate that this pinkish planet is in fact Endor.

Some fans of the movie with some knowledge of physics have noted that if the destruction of the Death Star II actually occurred as depicted, the moon would have been rendered uninhabitable. This is known as the Endorian Holocaust. There is still a great deal of speculation on this point.
